For starters everything just feels right. From the shooting and ability's to the overall control scheme. If you've played a shooter before you can jump right in with no problems and feel right at home. Within minutes of playing this game reminded me of all the best parts of Team Fortress 2. If you get a chance to watch GameSpots The Story of Overwatch Documentary you will see exactly why this is and where the team found there influences for this game. (check it our seriously its amazing
The thing that stands out to me about this game so far is the balancing. With 21 playable characters I was really scared that there would be overpowered characters that would break the game. However I have been blown away by the fact that not one single character feels overpowered or under powered. Every one of the hero's I played on felt like they were very unique and had a role to play in any of the matches. In a match where we were taking a objective point I played as one of the tank characters of Reinhardt he is not the best melee character but with his shield the rest of the team was able to get behind me as we made a push. Other games if your not getting kills your not really helping your team. In this one I felt like everything I did was helpful and important to the round. This is reflected in the final score as well. No where did I see a k/d ratio that is so coveted in other FPS games. It did a good job of celebrating the things that every player does well.
This is the first shooter I've played in a long time that I can see myself devoting a lot of time to. (it also helps that its rated T and I feel okay playing it when my kids are awake, but that is another post all together). After the game comes out I plan on writing a longer review about the final product but as of right now the beta has done everything right and I feel like Blizzard has another huge hit on there hand.
This is a must try open beta guys. Go out and play it and just try it out. You will be happy you did.
It really is some good stuff.