Its almost upon us. E3 will begin this Sunday when EA will kick everything off with the first press conference this year. I love making E3 predictions almost as much as I like watching the show. So with that in mind here are a few of my E3 predictions this year.
This game looked good on last gen. Imagine how this will look on the new systems |
1. Bethesda announces Skyrim Remastered
This one is almost written on the walls. Bethesda began its Fallout 4 development by porting Skyrim to next gen consoles to learn the systems. So having a game that people still love almost ready to go seemed to scream money. My hope is that they release a upgraded version with all the DLC and maybe even Mod support for the Xbox One and PS4 and the cherry on the cake. Its available in the next month. Its a great way for people to play some Elder Scrolls while we wait for the next installment.
Yacht Club knows old School |
2. Battletoads!
I think this is the year we will get a new Battletoads game. With the release of the Rare Replay last year people got to play the classic games, now lets hit them with something new. However I think this will be produced by Rare but the guys at Yacht Club Games will be the be the ones who are making it. The brains behind the amazing 8 bit adventure Shovel Knight have already proven they love old school game design and even had the Battletoads in the Xbox version of the game. This one could be a huge summer digital title.
Just more of this please Rockstar |
3. Red Dead Redemption 2
I know this is pretty much one of the worst kept secrets in gaming right now and all signs point to something soon but a part of me hopes that Rockstar shows up at a press conference and just says 'Lets show you what were working on' drops a trailer with a October release date and leaves it just like that. Leave us salivating wanting more and then do your own thing after the show. Red Dead Redemption was one of the best games of the last generation and a sequel has some big shoes to fill but we all know the guys at RockStar can pull it off.
4. Ubisoft announces a new Splinter Cell game
Its been almost 3 years since the last time we saw Sam Fisher. It seems like this would be a good time to announce a new Splinter Cell. Whatever they say about the game they better put Mercs vs Spy's back in the game. That type of online multiplayer just does not exist anymore. It could be the announcement at the end of the Ubisoft show as there 'One last thing' that they have become known for.
5. EA blows the doors off Mass Effect Andromeda
I think EA learned from Bethesda and Fallout 4 last year. People loved the info blowout and deep dive into that game and then that hype pretty much carried them to release day. I'm not sure EA will dump that much info but I'm thinking we will see more than we are anticipating and then we will have radio silence from them until after the holidays. Give us as much gameplay and mechanics now and then focus heavy on the story later this year.
So there you have it. Some of these are wishful thinking and some of them have some evidence out there supporting it. What do you guys think? What are some of your predictions or things you think we will see. Let us know in the comments section.